Today, January 20th, 2009, The United States of America is swearing in it's very first African-American President . As a child in this country we are always told that we can do anything if we put minds to it, even become President of the United States, but we never really believed it when our teachers, parents, and mentors told us this. But they were right! Barack Obama has broken down any remaining walls or barriers that were left standing to hold us back from being all that we could be. And as of 12:05 today this great nation is lead by a Man that was once considered a minority! We as a country have been through a very tough eight years under the Bush administration and now we must have patience with President Obama and his administration, they have alot of cleaning and catching up to do to get our nation back to where it should be. We are in a recession and currently involved in a war and they both don't go along with one another but I am sure that President Obama and his administration will find a way... Now is the time to " pick ourselves up, Dust ourselves off, and begin the work of remaking America"!
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